This is our second post in our series on Types of Business Entities. In it, we'll be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Sole Proprietorships.
Types of Business Entities | Sole Proprietorships
Topics: Types of Business Entities, Sole Proprietorships, Business Structures
ERISA Plan Audits | Why Auditor Experience Matters.
An Overview of The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974
ERISA was enacted to solve abuses in the private pension and welfare benefit plan system.
Topics: Choosing an Auditor for ERISA Audits, Employee Benefit Plan Audits, Employee Benefit Plans, ERISA, ERISA Audits, Auditor Experience
Tax Filing Requirements | Changes made to reduce tax fraud
Changes for the Tax Filing Requirements of information returns, Forms W-2, 1099
In the past, forms W-2 and 1099 had to be mailed to the recipients by January 31st and mailed to the Social Security Administration (for W-2's) or IRS (for 1099's) by the last day of February.
Topics: Tax Filing Requirements, Tax Filing Requirement Changes, Tax Fraud
Types of Business Entities | Considerations for structuring your business
Topics: Types of Business Entities