Daniel K. Goff, CPA

Dan is one of the firm’s Auditing and Consulting Partners. In addition to his client engagement responsibilities, Dan has been designated as the firm’s Quality Control partner. In this capacity, Dan is responsible for making sure the firm’s quality control policies and procedures are adequately designed and complied with during the conduct of all engagements. Dan also is a frequent lecturer on numerous management and technical audit topics and provides management consulting services to clients in a variety of industries, including other CPA firms. Dan is an active member of the American and Pennsylvania Institutes of Certified Public Accountants. In the past, Dan was Chair of the PICPA Peer Review Committee, served on the PICPA’s Management of an Accounting Practice Committee and the PICPA’s Committee on Ethics. The responsibilities of the Committee on Ethics included cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy and the AICPA in matters of professional ethics and disciplinary proceedings, answering inquiries regarding the Code of Professional Ethics, suggesting amendments, and investigating alleged code violations. Dan continues to be one of the most utilized peer reviewers in the country.
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2017 AICPA Peer Review Standard Changes | Are you prepared?

Posted by Daniel K. Goff, CPA on Mar 27, 2017 11:35:30 AM

At this time
of year, Peer Review, is the last thing you want to hear. Unfortunately, if your firm's peer review is due this year, it is now beyond the time to start preparing.

In 2016, the Peer Review Board approved significant changes to the Peer Review Standards, Interpretations, and other related guidance
. These changes became effective on January 1, 2017. Pe er reviews commencing on or after January 1, 2017 take note.

The following summarizes these changes to help you prepare for your review.

January 2017: The AICPA will no longer update or maintain the Quality Control Policies and Procedures Documentation Questionnaires (PRP 4300 and 4400 checklists) . This change requires every firm to have a written quality control document. Firms can no longer use PRP 4300 and 4400 checklists for documenting quality control policies and procedures .
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Topics: CPA Firms, AICPA, Peer Reviews, Accounting

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