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GBACO Receives Best of the Best Accounting Firms from "INSIDE Public Accounting"

Posted by Rita R. Day on Sep 2, 2020 11:30:47 AM

Continuing a tradition that stretches back more than 25 years, INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) has unveiled its list of the Best of the Best public accounting firms in the nation for 2020. These top performers within the profession are ranked on more than 50 metrics. The 2020 Best of the Best firms produce superior financial results which planning for long-term, sustainable growth.

In 2020, more than 540 firms were eligible for this accolade by participate in IPA’s 30th Annual Survey and Analysis of Firms.

“Best of the Best firms represent the top performers of their peer group, which is an exceptional accomplishment in the competitive world of public accounting. They excel by leaning in to help clients, being proactive, and seeking solutions – not just selling services,” says Michael Platt, principal of the Platt Group and publisher of the accounting trade publication, INSIDE Public Accounting. “And while most firms can boast ‘having good people’ one hallmark that is common across the Best of the Best firms is their ability to leverage their team and create employee opportunities by building a work environment that team members are excited about and proud to work for”.  

Goff Backa Alfera & Company, LLC was ranked for the second year in a row by IPA in the Under $5 Million category; this year placing 4th in that category. “This recognition is validation to our dedication to providing the best client services and work environment, “stated Richard J. Alfera, Managing Partner. “We want to thank our employees and clients for their commitment and loyalty to our Firm.”

A full list of the 2020 IPA Best of the Best firms, including the Under $5 Million category and Best of the Best in Canada can be found on the INSIDE Public Accounting website.

About INSIDE Public Accounting
INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA), founded in 1987, is published by The Platt Group. The Plat Group publishes both the award-winning INSIDE Public Accounting newsletter and the award-winning National Benchmarking Report. The Platt Group also consults with firms to help them become more successful. The Platt Group works with managing partners, CFOs, and thought leaders across the nation to provide practical ideas, benchmarking data and information to take firms to the next level of improvement. Visit www.insidepublicaccounting.com or call 317-733-1920.

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